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Our spectrum encompasses various disciplines of design for the built environment.

As such, all our projects benefit from a fully integrated design approach.



because every project deserves to be unique.

Innovation not only derives from continuous questioning but also goes hand in hand with the use of over-time proven methods and technologies.

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because it makes the project truthful.

A project only becomes genuine as each part of it has a reason to be.

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because this is our natural way to conceive.

Social responsibility, durability, resource conservation and environment preservation lie at the root of each design decision.

Projects naturally blend into their environment and empower local communities.


because this is what every project owner should be expecting.

We promise on-time delivery, within the budget and service-oriented.



because we are moved by the impact

environment has on human well-being.

Our design is based on evidence and constant research in the field of healthcare architecture.


"We, humans, hunger for beauty.

We feel most alive in the presence of beauty."

John O'Donohue,

poet and philosopher


Caring Designers

We are an international team of caring architects and designers that has accumulated a wealth of experience and developed an extensive portfolio of projects around the globe. 

Caring, you say? Yes, enhancing the well-being of the building users, of our clients, of our teammates and of our planet is central to our design philosophy. And this caring attitude is at its paroxysm when developing our Healthcare Projects, in which we have been specializing over the years!

with a Mission

Ardism's mission is to bring back harmony to human life, by reducing the ecological footprint of our presence on earth and by introducing Beauty as a source of inspiration and healing. And it's with that caring attitude and a deep knowledge of sustainable design that day after day we work hard to pursue this ambitious goal!

and a Collaborative Approach

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From the start of a project, Ardism works closely together with all stakeholders of a project to creatively combine knowledge and compose fully integrated, sustainable design solutions.

founded by Sylvie Meunier.


"At Ardism, architectural projects are the result of the creative combination of various experts' knowledge."

Sylvie Meunier



Ardism article le point revue des dentistes
Ardism AK Hospitals article March 2020.jpg
Ardism article AK Artsenkrant mar 2020.jpg
Ardism article Southeast Asia Building july 2011
Ardism article Life and Home november 2010

"Our observation of nature must be diligent, our reflection profound, and our experiments exact.



Denis Diderot

philosopher and writer



Register to our Journal to get our latest news and research articles

on architecture, interior design and healthcare!

Send us a message:

+32 496 210639

Ardism bv

Dageraadlaan 22

1652 Alsemberg 


BE 0738.939.367

Thanks for submitting!

Feel like joining our team? We are always interested in the profile of talented architects and designers. Send us your CV and full portfolio by e-mail.


© 2020 by vietje.

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